April Clinic Review


Total consultations = 3058
New patients = 631
Return patients = 2427

IMG_0006 c
<1 yr = 346
1-4 yrs = 485
5-14 yrs = 340
Pregnant women = 262
Birth control = 47
Other adults = 1578

IMG_0124 c

Emergencies/Accidents = 28
At home = 13
While working = 4
In the road = 8
Violence = 3

IMG_0128 c

Dressing changes = 367
Injections given = 344
People sutured – 14
Burns = 10
IVs started (clinic & ICU only, not cholera center) = 33
Dog bites = 6

IMG_0003 c

Children weighed (0-5ys) = 831
Normal weight = 402 (48%)
Underweight (-1, -2, -3, -4 SD) = 429 (52%) this is an increase from previous months
Moderate malnutrition (-2, -3, -4 SD) = 190 (23%)
Severe malnutrition (-3, -4 SD) = 79 (10%)
Extreme malnutrition (-4 SD) = 22 (3%)
Amount of children on outpatient feeding program (PlumpyNut) all ages = 166

IMG_0150 c

Pregnant ladies consulted = 262
At risk pregnancies = 174
1st visit = 96 (1st trimester=25, 2nd=46, 3rd=25)
2nd visit = 59
3rd visit = 39
4+ visits = 68

IMG_0114 c
Newborn & postnatal consults = 38
Age of mom:  15-19yrs=5, 20-34yrs=29, 35+=4
Weight of baby: <2.5kg=3, 2.5+kg=35
Mothers that chose to breastfeed = 38
Home delivery with TBA = 34
Hospital delivery = 4
Stillborn = 2
Miscarriages = 2
Maternal deaths = 0

IMG_0013 c

Patients referred to other facilities = 142
Patients referred to us from others = 11

IMG_0104 c

Anemia = 175
Kwashiorkor = 23
Asthma = 25
Seizures = 11
Diabetic = 74

IMG_0142 c

Hypertension = 208
Goiter = 1
Cough and cold = 1808
Heartburn = 1126

IMG_0126 c
Diarrhea = 257
Scabies = 38
Malaria = 15
Typhoid = 7
STD = 20
Tuberculosis = 26
HIV+ = 43

IMG_0111 c

Eye infections = 119
Ear infections = 68
Respiratory infections = 54
Fungal infections = 304
Urinary infection = 164
Vaginal infection = 310

IMG_0102 c

Prayed to accept Christ as Savior = 4
Prayed to rededicate their lives to Christ = 4
Prayed with people for healing from illness = 12
Prayed with people for persecution = 3
People that received Biblical counseling = 15
Christian tracts distributed = 2467
Bibles distributed = 11
Christian song books distributed = 8
Weekly Bible study (Pilgrim’s Progress, ages 12-16) participants = 15
People that participated in devotions and prayer = 2701



  1. Deanna says

    Incredible, those numbers shout Glory ! Praying for your continued strength and provision. Blessings d

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