Charlie update

Many of you have been praying for Charlie and Lori during this difficult time.  All of us here at RHFH are so thankful.  We have been having attaches from the enemy from all sides these past few weeks.  But we know that His grace is enough and we are so

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New kids in the tent

DAGENOR He is 4 years old and weighs 32 pounds.  He has kwashiorkor.  He could not sit up when admitted and was in bad shape.  He is very, very anemic and sick. He is currently on the medika mamba program. His legs are very tight and painful from the kwashiorkor.

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Medika Mamba update

It has been awhile since my last Medika Mamba update.  We have currently treated 208 children.  There have been 42 of those children that have died.  That hurts.  But many more are recovering.  As always we want to thank Med & Foods for kids for making this wonderful product right

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Rain, Rain, GO AWAY!!

THANK YOU Christian Aid Ministries (CAM)!!  Since the beginning of the cholera epidemic, they have provided so many supplies.  Starting early Thursday morning, dad started hauling items in.  Three large loads of IV fluids, buckets, bleach, soap, ORS, hand sanitizer, and more. We all 3 squeezed in the front seat and

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IV fluids-more post to come soon!

Check on the amount of IV fluid used at the cholera house in 24 hour Her are two of the families that were featured on the blog this past week. Both healed and returning home today.  To God be all the Glory!

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3 became 5 and 5 became 6

3 boys and 3 girls=6 little cutie pies that still need your prayers. Eriline came in late yesterday afternoon. Her mom has been following in the clinic and her weight has went down a lot since birth.  We are going to watch her and see how she does for a

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