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Cholera update – January to June 2016

Cholera came to Cazale in November 2010 and since that time we have cared for 11331 pts.  There have been 28359 hospitalized nights that makes the average hospital stay 2.5 nights per pt.

From Jan-Jun 2016, there have been 1048 pts that have sought dehydration treatment at the cholera center.  There was significant outbreak towards the first of the year, but that has been declining over the past months.  The main area affected is Cabaret, but there are cases from many other villages.  We are committed to caring for those with cholera and severe dehydration and appreciate the help of RHFH supporters to make a difference in the lives of those that are ill.  We pray for a day when this illness is no longer a problem here in Haiti.

Jan-June 2016 - new pts

Jan-June 2016











Here are a few stories of some of the patients from 2016.

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I am happy to write you today to tell you thank you to all that help the cholera center.  I came in with lots of diarrhea and vomiting.  I was sick and dehydrated.  I was also 5 months pregnant.  My family no longer talks to me since this and I was alone at the center.  Even though there was no one with me the staff at the center cared for me like family.  Because I was so dehydrated, my baby died and the nurse at the center helped me when I delivered it.  This hurt my heart so bad, but I would have died with out the help of the staff.  They helped me bathe, bought me food when I had no money, and gave me transport money when I left.  They let me stay in the center until I felt well enough to go home.  I can never have enough words to thank everyone that put this center here and helps it to run.






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My son was sick with diarrhea and vomiting.  I made oral rehydration drink for him and gave it to him, but he kept vomiting all that I gave him.  I know people that have died from cholera and I’m scared of it.  I brought him to the cholera center because he was getting worse.  We had to travel by motorcycle.  It was hard to hold him since he was so weak.  Once we got here, the nurse put an IV in and gave him medications for vomiting.  He felt better after a few hours.  This was a big answer to prayer.  I say thank you to the staff and to the people that gave the medications that saved my child’s life.




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I was vomiting and had diarrhea when I came. I drank ORS (oral rehydration solution) and got IV fluids.  I liked the nurses.  They took care of me well.  They protected me from death.  They gave me pills to help me with diarrhea, vomiting, leg pain, stomachache, headache, back pain, body aches, weakness.  When I came to the center I didn’t feel good.  I stayed here for 8 days. I’m not the same person that first came to the center.  I feel good now. This is the grace of God for me. Thank you to the nurses.  I will pray for you all.




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Hello!  I thank everyone at this institution because when I got sick with cholera I suffered a lot.  I had lots of pain, but with the grace of IVs and medicine I got back to normal.  I say thank you to all the nurses that cared for me and thank you to all those that think about this CTC.







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I am uncle Jacob.  This is a great joy for me to tell thank you to all the people that are a part of this center.  This is a big work for the benefit of the community.  I thank the nurse that cared for me and gave me good service.  They were there whenever I needed them.  Congratulations to all those that work in the center.  When I came to the center I wasn’t good at all.  It was when the nurses started the IVs that I started to feel like I might live.  Thank you for all the medications becuase they worked well.  Thank you for the things that you gave me too – toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, and toilet paper.  Thank you for such good treatment.  Thank you!  Thank you!






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I am Roselana and I am 27 years old.  I live about 45 minutes away from the cholera center.  I began getting sick on a Sunday.  A neighbor made some homemade ORS out of salt and sugar.  I drank it, but then started vomiting.  My family knew that I was getting sicker and made me come to the cholera center.  The nurse put an IV in me and I started feeling better.  I was very weak, but I’m starting to get my strength back.



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