Help us buy a microhematocrit centrifuge!

**THANK YOU!!  This need has been met.**

A micro…..what??  You might be wondering what in the world this might be.  Well, I’ll explain.  It is a small, portable machine that can quickly and easily measure the level of a person’s blood to see if they are anemic.

Currently, we have a point-of-care tester (pictured below) that measures something similar, but the disposable piece that you need to do each test is $2.20 and this machine broke last month.

We are trying to get it fixed, but in the meantime Dr. Jen told us about this great machine.  We don’t have extra funds to purchase it right now, so I thought that I would put the need out here and see if anyone would want to help.  It is going to be $269.00 to purchase and ship this machine to the next volunteer coming in April.  It has a lifetime warranty and the disposable item needed to do the test will only be $0.04!  FOUR CENTS PER TEST!!  That is exciting to me because I can see the possibilities for screening children, pregnant women, and others that are at risk.  With the same amount of money for one of the old test, we could do 55 test on the new machine.  Wow!   This is a cheap and sustainable alternative to our current machine.  We will still get the other one fixed and then have a backup.  If you would like to help, please use the paypal button on the right hand side of the blog and make sure to type in “blood tester” in the comment box.  Thanks!


  1. Cathy says

    Done! Thanks for the easy and specific way to donate. Blessings as always for the work of everyone at RHFH.

    Cathy and the Caldwell Crew

  2. Lori says

    Thank you!

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