It’s Time for Toys!

The shipping container arrived.  We steadily made it through unpacking all the wonderful donations our amazing supporters sent us.  It seems that the best was saved for last – THE TOYS!  It looked like Christmas around here last week.  Lots of package opening and battery installing had to be done.  Organizing, sorting, seperating duplicates for use later when replacements are needed, taking inventory; it was a lot of work.  But these kiddos are TOTALLY worth it all!

This pallet wasn’t all of them, either!  So many awesome toys!

So this week was the big toy reveal.   The picnic tables were set up in the dining area with toys on each one.  A ride-on car here, a freestanding toddler activity table there.  Little curious boys and girls, divided into small groups, were brought in by the nannies.  Eyes huge.  Some smiles.  Some mouths dropped open in utter amazement.  Some crinkled eyebrows expressing total unsureness and hesitation.     

The bigger kids were more than willing to take the lead in trying out absolutely every toy.  Some were jabbering 100 miles per hour about their new discoveries.  Some were quiet as a mouse as they observed their more adventurous friends.

We showed each child what the toy did that they were staring bewilderly at.  Hand-on-hand, together we discovered the fun that each toy had to offer.

Excited giggles.  Little hands gingerly touching brightly colored shapes.  Minds being stimulated.   

Of course, when you find something you want to keep close to you as you walk around from table to table, it’s best to carry your treasure on your head!

So much to discover. 

Building blocks.  Stretching imaginations.

Savoring the newness.  Loving the fun.

 And this, sweet children, is just the beginning!

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this toy drive.  You have made this amazing playtime possible.  

And of course, the kids at the Rescue Center thank you, too!   





  1. Vera says

    I wish I could have been there for this! Those children deserve those toys.

    Hugs from me!

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