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New admits


He is just under 3 years old and weighs 22 pounds.  His mother is an albino that follows regularly in the clinic and is on the food box program.  She was raped by a man in the village that everyone knows.  She does not feel like her voice would be heard if she tried to press charges against him.  She sees him often and he reminds her that he will burn her house down and kill her and her children if she decides to tell.  Jn Jude lives in a 1 room house with 4 other people.  The house is made out of tin, rocks and clay.  They live about 15 minutes away from the nearest water source.  They do not have a flush toilet or even an outhouse.  Jn Jude has lost his appetite to eat and his mama finds it difficult to find foods to fix for him.  The day before he was admitted he had a boiled banana with some sauce made from tomato paste.  The day he was admitted he has a cup of coffee and a piece of bread.  He was admitted around 4pm.  In the week before he was admitted he has no meat, eggs, fruit or vegetables.


She is 7 months old and weighs 10 pounds.  Her mother had a stroke shortly after she was born and has seizures often.  Her dad has been her primary care giver since birth.  He has 3 other children at home.  This past week Ludiana was laying beside her mama on the bed while dad was out working.  She had a seizure and Ludiana slipped under her while she was seizing.  A neighbor was called by one of the children to help but it was very scary for everyone.  Her dad asked that we keep her for a few months until he can come up with a plan to care for her.   The family of 5 lives in a 2 room house made from tin, rocks and clay.  They have no running water at their house and do not have a flush toilet or even an outhouse.  The father has a garden where he plants corn and bananas.  At 7 months old she has only had milk 3 times in the last week.  When milk cannot be purchased she is given sugar water or coffee.


He is 15 months old and weighs 19 pounds and has mild kwashiorkor.   His mother is a student in school and left Ronaldo with his father to attend school in Port-au-Prince.  His dad is a mason worker and finds it hard to find someone to look after Ronaldo when he does find work.  He cried at the though of losing him, he is his only child.  He is very worried about him and his swelling, which he knows is not good or normal.  He lives in a 2 room house with 4 other people.  The home is made on tin and bricks.  They do not have running water or a flush toliet, not even an outhouse. 


He was brought to us from an orphanage not far from here.  He was dyhrdrated when admitted.  We are unsure of age, he weighs 11 pounds. 

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