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Rose Mirlande

Rose Mirlande came to the clinic several weeks ago.  It was on a Sunday afternoon.  She was very, very sick that day.  She had a very high fever and was not responsive to anyone.  She was 7 years old ans weighed 35 pounds.   We took her into the clinic and Lori got an IV started.  We talked to the mother to try to figure out what was going on with her.  She had been sick for  2 months with a fever.  The family lived right here in the village and did not seek medical treatment with us or any other place.  We did what we could and gave every medicine we could think of to help her fight for her life.

She lived for 2 days.  She was in  a lot of pain and suffered.  Her family came and visited her on and off.  They did not want to stay with her.  They did not know how to comfort her.  When we knew she was getting worse we called for the mom and dad to come.  Lori was in town that day with many patients that were getting surgeries.  I called her to see if there was anything else we could do.  She talked to Dr. Jen who was there and they both agreed we were doing everything we could for her but that she was going to die.  It was sad.   The mom and dad did not know what to do.  We talked to them and told them without a miracle she would die soon.  They showed little emotion and said everything was in God’s hands.  She died that night around 2am.  Her parents left her with us in the clinic.  We gave her a bath and dressed her in a beautiful dress that came on the last container.  We sent to have a casket made.  The family went to a local church to prepare for a small service.  We sent and had a hole dug in the cemetary. She was buried that afternoon.  Her family continues with their life.  They have many other kids to care for, gardens to tend too, produce to sell.  Rose Mirlande died when help was less than a few minutes away.  I find it very hard to process all of this.  Why so many kids die.  Why so many suffer.  Why so many are not loved.  It is hard for me to see it day after day, month after month, and year after year.  I wish that Rose Mirlande would have lived.  But she didn’t.

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