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Staff Spotlight~Joceline

Joceline began working for RHFH in June of 2008.  She started working at the Rescue Center with the small babies.  She moved down to the ICU area about 3 years ago and has done a fabulous job working with those that are really sick.  Her true love in her work is with the little babies.  She loves to care for them and they hold a special place it her heart.  Her favorite part of her work is seeing a really sick child recover.  It makes her very happy when their family comes and are excited to see the progress the children are making.  Besides caring for the little ones, she feeds the kids, gives baths, changes diapers, and takes the kids to get shots and dressing changes.  She also enjoys learning new things that people teach her.  She is a great learner.  She has several kids that have been here during her time working that she will never forget.  There was one small baby named Shelly that she will always remember.  She said the day she was admitted that she did not think she would live.  She was very small and sick but she did live~By the Grace of God.  This shows her more each day about God and how He loves His children. 
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Joceline was raised by her grandma, who is still alive today.  Her mama died when she was very young and she does not remember her and no one ever knew who her father was.  She has 2 children, a boy and a girl, that she deeply loves.  She says everything she does in life is for them to be able to grow up and have a good life.  She still lives with her grandma and 2 of her sisters.  Her work here at RHFH helps her to care for all of them and her children and she is able to put her children in school as well.  Three things she thinks would help Cazale is a better road, more trees and more food for everyone to eat.  The best thing she see that RHFH has done in Cazale is helping children that are malnourished.  She is happy that there are not so many children dying now in the village.  In her work, she would like people to know that they always needs clothes, diapers and sheets for the children.  In her free time, she likes to spend time with her kids and likes to go to the beach.  She would like everyone to pray that God would continue to give her strength and life for her kids.  She said she would also like to finish what she has started in life well.  We love you Joceline!!

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