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We met our goal for Medika Mamba!

We are very happy to let you know the outcome of our fundraising for Medika Mamba.

We set a very large goal for the month of Jan for funds for medika mamba for 2014, by the grace of God all the funds we raised or pledged!

Our goal was ——————$40,632

Pledged-(not yet given)—–$20,250

given to date—————– $25,771.50 ($5,000 of this given directly to Meds & Food for Kids)

TOTAL raised—————$$46,021.50

There were 65  donors from 4 different countries that gave toward this goal.  We want to thank each of you that donated towards this special need for RHFH.  This takes a huge load off of us for 2014.  We know that for another year we will be able to treat many, many sick and malnourished patients with medika mamba. It is a product that we love and know works miracles in these kids lives.

Jn Oda B & A

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