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Words From Gretchen

Thank God for His Son – His Gift too wonderful for words.  -2 Corinthians 9:15

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December 1998

Merry Christmas to all our friends and family,

Although it doesn’t seem so much like it here in Haiti, the Christmas season is upon us.  It is the time of year we celebrate the hope, love, and peace brought to us by the birth of Jesus Christ.  This year has passed so quickly holding many joyful blessings and some frustrations and times of sadness.  We truly regret that we weren’t able to write more often.  Be sure you were thought of often as we went about our work and ministry here.  Knowing you are there has been a great source of strength and encouragement to us.

Perhaps you sent clothes to bless someone who had but one tattered thread-bear outfit, or shoes to make walking over rugged rocky mountains easier.  maybe yo gave a toy that brought unspeakable joy to a small mountain child who never before had a plaything to call their own.  You might have sent vitamins to improve the health and strength of a pregnant mother, small child, or tuberculosis patient.  It could have been a piece of jewelry you sent – a special gift to a mountain lady who has never had anything of such beauty – a precious gift to bring a broad smile and self esteem.  Possibly you may have sent money which helped buy medicine to relieve pain or cure a life-threatening infection.  It could be your financial gift was used to provide a much needed operation for a small child like 5 year old Joel Fleurisme who had a benign tumor the size of a soccer ball removed from his back.  Maybe your giving helped provide education for a growing mind who otherwise would have no opportunity to attend school.  Many hungry bellies were filled because of funds provided by people like you.

You might have sent us an encouraging letter, card, reading material, or something good for our “sweet tooth.”  Some of you gave of your time and self, making the trip here to share God’s love with the Haitians face to face.  Above all, maybe you took the time to talk to Father God and asked Him to help guide, refresh, protect, and bless us in our times of need.

As you help us reach out with love to the hurting and ones who don’t know Jesus as Lord you have enabled us to build trust and a point of contact so the spiritual ears will want to hear John 3:16.

Acts 20:35….the words of Jesus Himself said, “it is more blessed to give than to receive.”  As we follow the example of Jesus in reaching out and helping one another, the love of Christmas remains alive each day of the year.

We love you.  We miss you.  You are in our hearts and prayers always.

The Zachary Family



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