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Djonlissa is a six-month-old little girl who came in to the clinic with her mother. She was breastfed for two months and has been on powdered milk since then. Her diet was being supplemented with “sweet foods” as early as one month. Her mother first noticed skin irregularities, followed by swelling that started in her feet, and the eventual development of a cough and fever. She has also been having a considerable amount of diarrhea and vomiting, and has had a diminished appetite. She lives with both her parents, as their only child. They live in a house with the father’s family, including five other children. Djonlissa’s mother has chosen to stay with her here in the ICU. She was 9.5 lbs when she first arrived.


Edson will be three in August. His mother has passed away. His father is a melon farmer. He has one older brother. They live with other family in a house made of rock and tin. He has had Kwashiorkor’s three times before, and came in to our clinic with swelling. He had also been having diarrhea. He weighed 9.4 kg (20.7 lbs) when he came in.


Jorgens will be three in October. He came into the clinic with anemia and Kwashiorkor’s. His dad works in construction, and he has one older brother. His favorite food is plantains. He weighed 18.5 lbs when he first came in to the clinic.


Nerline will be seven years old in May. She lives with her mother and father. Her father is a farmer who grows beans and corn. She has four living siblings, two younger and two older. She had one sibling who died. Her parents say her sibling died of swelling. Nerline came in with bad swelling. Her parents said she had been swollen for two months, and was only getting worse. She was also having very watery diarrhea and a cough. She has had Kwashiorkor’s three times before. She was 38.7 lbs when we admitted her.


  1. Edna says

    Oh the poor 7 year old. My heart goes out to her! Only 38.7 lbs. May her parents be encouraged to care for her and their family. God bless you for all you what you do for these dear needy people. Love n Prayers , E.

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