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The Journey Must Continue

Although the good-byes don’t get easier, and the load never lighter,
the journey must continue.

When days seem long and tiring, and nights restless,
the journey must continue.
When I see no light at the end of the present tunnel, and the future seems  frightening,
the journey must continue.
When my heart is left from place to place, and tears mark a well-traveled path,

the journey must continue.
When my body is weak, and I feel like my next step will be my last,
the journey must continue.
When good memories come to mind, pulling me from my present goals and pushing me to dwell in the past,
the journey must continue.
For God has not sent me on this journey to retreat in times of trouble or
stay planted in a place of comfort,

but to press on with a heart to serve, love to share, and strength to
continue for His glory!
The journey must continue!
> –by heather beazely

sent to me by a friend for my birthday

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