A new baby girl


This little baby was abandoned in the clinic yard last week.  It is hard in our minds to understand this.  We have had kids over the years left in the yard and outside the gate, but I have never had a child’s parent leave a note with the baby.  Many years ago someone found a baby floating down the river with the placenta still attached.  It was breathing and still alive.  They rescued the baby and brought it to the clinic.  We worked for many hours trying to get  that little one to live.  It did not make it.  After that day we asked that they bring them to us instead of  the above.  I want to share this very private letter with you.  My hope is that I will be able to find her mama and help her is someway. Her pictures are posted in 2 “high traffic” location in town.  We pray that someone will recognize her and help us locate her family.

From the mama:

My friends if you see that the mother of this child left it at the hospital it is because of the situation of her life.  Since she was pregnant she has been having difficulties in her life. (Different handwriting) This child was born with a lot of damage, it is paralyzed on one side, it is for this reason that the father does not take care of her.  I do not have one person that can reach out a hand to help me with her.  I was never able to breastfeed her due to the problem in her mouth.  She was born on April 17 2012.  She has had 2 vaccinations, polio and B.C.G.   You do not need to be afraid to care for her, please. I did not decide to throw her in the trash, or kill her, only I rather give her to white  people.  I gave her food already.  Do not say that this mother came to let go of her child because she did not want it.  It is because she does not have money to care for it.

She left a bag of clothing, food and bottles.

The baby does have some problems.  One of which it was born without a left foot.

This little cutie is not up for adoption at this time.  The local judge is letting us keep her here in hopes that we might locate her family.  That is our goal.  We will love her and take care of her as long as we need to.  Will you join us in prayer for her?  Will you specifically pray for her mama and her heart tonight.  Will you pray that we make good healthy decisions for her.


  1. Rhyan says

    4 years working in this place and there isn’t a lot of emotion left… Reading this, I find one more flood of feeling, one more tear. Truly beautiful. Don’t tell me for a second that these precious little ones were not loved!

  2. Lori says

    Reading that mom’s letter broke my heart! I will be praying that you find her and that you can help reunite them and give assistance so that this loving mom can keep her baby.

  3. Brittany Sweat says

    Bless this sweet mama… and this baby. My heart hurts for her as i’m sure this was not an easy choice for her and imagine she is feeling alot of pain now. I pray she will understand God’s love and return to her child one day and see his precious presence written all over this sweet baby’s face. God bless you all for what you do. I hope that I have the chance to come help you all one day. God bless!

  4. Katie says

    Wow. What an incredible, brave, loving mother. My heart just breaks for her. It is so obvious how much she loves her baby girl. Will definitely commit to praying for the sweet girl, & that her mama might come back for her. That you can find a way to help her with whatever she needs, however it looks. Really I’m just speechless. Praying x

  5. Joni says

    I will pray this beautiful child finds her way into a loving home where she can be properly cared for, I will also pray for the mother and how difficult it must have been to leave this child. May God comfort them both.

  6. bekki says

    praying that you can find mamman and help her to keep her baby! Obviously loved, this baby will be better with a mama who knows how to get help – and if you find her, please let us all know how we can help the little family stay together.

  7. Nicole says

    Ok not sure if it was the moms letter or the combination of that with my pregancy hormones but I totally teared up reading this. Especially of the pic that mom left clothes and bottles for her baby. Truely she cares about this child. I hope you find mom and are able to help her out. RHFH is amazing and you truely care for the people of your community….. love you guys.

  8. Leslie Celestin says

    That is one of the prettiest babies I have ever seen. I know God has a great plan for her life and am praying her Mom will quickly return to get her well loved baby. Hugs to you all for being a group where desperate people can turn to for health, love and to even leave their own children with when they can no longer care for them. Many blessings for you all for all you do!

  9. Rebecca says

    What happens to these little ones?

  10. Cortney says

    Praying for her, her mother, and all of you. Strength and guidance.

  11. Roberta says

    She is SO beautiful! Praying you can find her mom and keep them together. Thanking God she is safe and with you guys being loved and cared for right now.

  12. Jessica says

    Bless her heart – mama and baby! O it breaks me to even pretend to think of giving up a baby. The utter desperation…

    You do well to warn us she is not up for adoption – you know someone will ask. I would probably be head of that club. But I shall be praying you find her mama.

    When Leanne comes, tell her to hug that child for me!

  13. Jamie Garcia says

    She looks well fed and calm from these pictures, her mama loves her :`(

    I have a daughter her age, it makes me physically sick to think about leaving her or that my husband would not take care of her. My heart aches so much for this woman and this child, we prayed for her tonight. God bless you guys.

  14. Michaela says

    Praying right now, for sweet baby girl and a mama who is hurting tonight. Praying for God to intervene and give wisdom to all involved. So thankful she will be loved and safe tonight!

  15. jenni ingram says

    praying for babe and mama, and for dad, that God would soften his heart. for wisdom in knowing how to care for her.

  16. Miriam says

    Praying for the baby and her Mum.
    What’s this little angel’s name?
    Well, God will know who I mean…

  17. Donna says

    Any updates on finding the baby’s Mom? How is this precious little one doing? Praying!

  18. Donita says

    As a nurse I understand a little the sentiment that some things don’t get to you anymore. But as a mother to a little son born just 3 days before this adorable child, I sit here with tears in my eyes…

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