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Clinic Review – February 2015

Total patient consultations = 2504
New patients = 553
Return patients = 1951

IMG_7659 c

Under 1 year old = 292
1-4 years = 360
5-14 years = 307
Malnourished <1 yrs = 105 (40%)
Malnourished 1-4 yrs = 203 (56%)
Total percent of under 5 yrs that are malnourished = 48%

IMG_7474 c

Prenatal consults = 274
At risk = 167
1st visit (1st trimester) = 27
1st visit (2nd trimester) = 45
1st visit (3rd trimester) = 23
2nd visit = 74
3rd visit = 41
4th visit = 64

IMG_7812 c

Deliveries at home with traditional birth attendant = 34
Deliveries in a hospital = 1
Postnatal consults (1-7 days) = 11
Postnatal consults (8-42 days) = 36
Stillborn = 0
Maternal deaths = 0
Miscarriage = 1

IMG_7680 c

Wound care = 299
Injections = 267
Sutures = 9
Burns = 8

IMG_7802 c

Anemia = 172
Asthma = 11
Cholera = 262
Cough and cold = 1325
Diarrhea = 206
Diabetes = 51
Ear infection = 67
Eye infection = 43
Fungal infection = 243
Heartburn = 948
High blood pressure = 196
Kwashiorkor = 57
Respiratory infection = 28
Malaria = 33
Scabies = 30
Urinary tract infection = 181
Vaginal infection = 290

IMG_7786 c

Income = $3343.21
Expenses = $5260.60
Donations used = $1917.39

IMG_7773 c

Patients referred to other facilities = 152
Patients referred to us from other facilities = 14

IMG_7669 c

People that participated in devotions and prayer = 2248
People that were born again = 4
People that rededicated their lives to Christ = 1
People that received special prayer for illness = 14
People that received special prayer for persecution = 7
People that received spiritual counseling = 27

IMG_7647 c


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