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CTC Construction Update

Things are moving right along at the construction site of the future Cholera treatment facility.  Progress is looking like it’s staying on track for the construction to be completed sometime in December. 


A construction site in the mountains of Haiti looks a little different than one you might see in the United States.  Just a subtle difference here and there.   

It’s not just men hard at work at the site.  Women are up there, too.  These five gallon buckets of water have to be carried from the water tank to the spot where the cement is being made.  It’s quite a workout.

Through all the hard work, smiles can still be seen.  As Brennon said, “There are a bunch of joyful guys out on this site. I’m still struggling with Creole, but I can understand having pride in your work.”

Thank you for your continued prayers and support during the CTC construction.  Cholera is still a daily battle here in Haiti.  RHFH has been blessed with the ability to continue ministering to the people in our region affected by it.  Not only are lives continuing to be saved here in Cazale, but hearts are continuing to be touched.  To God be all the glory.  It is through Him and for Him that this work is done.

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