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Goats Galore!

Thank you to all that donated towards the goat project!  We wanted to give you an update and let you know how things are going.  We decided to give the goats out five at a time so the supervisor could figure out a monitoring schedule and get comfortable in his new role.  We wanted to make sure we could care for five well before we tried more.  DOE you agree?  The plan is working so far and we’re not KIDding.  Let’s GOAT you caught up on things…..

The first five goats we bought in March and they are all doing well.  There are several that are pregnant and one that has already had one kid.  It was a buck so that one goes to the supervisor for his pay (he gets every fourth male).  It will stay with the mama goat until it is more mature and that owner will have one more goat to give to us when the mama goat has others.  There was one goat that had a large abscess by an ear.  It required lancing and cleaning daily for awhile, but the supervisor helped the owner until it was healed.  It is doing well now.  Here are some photos the supervisor took when they all went to buy the goats.

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The next group of five goats was purchased last week.  They are all doing well and haven’t had any problems yet.

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We are receiving applications for those wanting to enter into the goat project now.  On Sunday, the committee will choose five more people to receive their goats in the beginning of June.

We thank you so very much for believing in this project that the community group initiated and is monitoring.  This is a great help and encouragement to them.  Thank you for supporting the community group and those receiving the goats!

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