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Needed funds for medical testing

This need is met.  THANK YOU!!!!!!!

The Rescue Center and Clinic have been running low of funds for several months now.  We are making ends meet the best we can but have some needs that we need met to be able to give the same amount of service to those in the clinic and Rescue Center.  Over the next few weeks we will be sharing several ways that you can help us to continue to serve those in our area.Our first need is for some medical cassette test for  use for our women health screening program and the children admitted into the Rescue Center.  We need to make a purchase with in the next few weeks to be able to continue testing for the children and the test for the women health program are close to being finished.August 26 2010 b 038

These test are very important for us to test the children for HIV, malaria and several other sicknesses that they might have.  The test work out well for us as they are quick stick test and can be done right at the clinic.  If we do not have these test we have to send the children to other facility that are far away.  Many times we are unable to do this due to the child being so ill that they cannot travel.  These test help us to determine which medications to give the child quickly.

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The Women’s Health screening is helping 100’s of women in our area.  They are excited to be able to have a place to get safe testing done an get treatment if needed.  There are many test done for these women but several of those are purchased from the same company that we get the  testing for the kids.

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We are able to put an order in state side and have someone coming in on a team hand carry these much needed test to us in Cazale.  The cost for these test is $1,250.00 for a supply for 2 months.  The test include HIV, malaria, chlamydia, Gonorrhea, syphilis and others as needed.  I feel that I cannot express to you how important these test are for our patients.  It is so helpful with the children to know within minutes the results of the test so we can begin to quickly treat them.

If you would like to donate to this special need we would greatly appreciate it.  You can use the paypal button in the upper right hard corner of the blog or mail in donation to Real Hope For Haiti/P.O. Box 23/Elwood, IN 46036 Please include in the memo “lab test” for us.  We continue to be thankful to each of you that donate to the work in Haiti.  We could not do what we are doing without the continued support of many.  To God be all the Glory!

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