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New admits to the RC


He is 15 months old and weights 19 pounds 8 ounces.  He was admitted due to having 2 large abcesses on his bottom.  He received shots for fever from someone near their house and then developed the abcesses.  He was in a lot of pain and his temp was just above 104.  He will stay will us for a short time to get medications for infection and daily dressing changes for the abcesses. His mama has already had one child die of kwashiorkor.


He is 1 month old and weighs 6 pounds 8 ounces.  His mother was very ill from an unknown (family was not told what she had) sickness.  She was so sick that Pablo was in danger and they did an emergency C-section.  The hospital sent them home with no hope for the mother to survive.  She lived for about 2 more weeks and was able to spend that time with Pablo.  His papa is a farmer and works in the fields almost everyday.  All of his extended family is busy working  just like he does each day to make enough money to feed the family.  Papa cannot afford the formula and can find no one to sit each day to care for Pablo.


He has 7 siblings that are living and 2 that have died from kwashiorkor.  He is 2 years old and weighs 15 pounds 12 ounces.  His family tells us that he has been sick for several weeks now and they did not know what was causing his kwashiokor.  The nurses spent a lot of time with mama explaining what causes malnutrition and how to prevent it once he returns home. He is currently on the medika mamba program.

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