Patient of the Month – Jean Berly

Jean Berly has had a mass growing by his eye for a long time.  We are trying to get him help with surgery to remove the mass.  The doctor be able to remove first asked for a CT scan.  Jn Berly’s parents and the clinic split the cost to get the scan completed.  With those results, the doctor is now asking for a biopsy.  The family is out of funds and distraught over the fact that the mass is growing quickly.  We would like to help them through the rest of the process until the surgery is completed and he is discharged from the doctor’s care.  We have no idea how much this will cost in total, but must start with the biopsy which will cost $450 for the surgery, testing, hospital fees, transport, and food/drink while at the hospital.  Please consider donating for this medical need, praying for him, or donating at a later time for his surgery.  You can click the DONATE NOW button at the top right of the page and scroll down to GENERAL DONATION to give now or send a check to RHFH, 15215 Endeavor Drive, Noblesville, IN  46060.  Thank you so much!

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  1. Patsy Davis Buck says

    Elicia,my husband and I are able to send money.Will a check work for you?please tell me where to send the money so it will get to you!!!

  2. Patsy Davis Buck says

    Please contact me with a personal message on Facebook.

  3. Susan McAnelly says

    I will send a check to Noblesville!

  4. Lori says

    She will write you soon.

  5. Lori says

    Thank you! The initial goal was met, but all funds given for him will be saved for additional testing or his surgery. Your kindness is greatly appreciated!

  6. Joseph Kraft, MD says

    Has there been any thought to a medical visa to have this evaluated in the states? With CT scan results it would be fairly easy to get input from an appropriate surgeon.

  7. Lori says

    We haven’t gotten to the point of where or how he’ll get his surgery. We are following the doctor’s lead on this. We’re not really thinking about a medical visa yet, but not totally against it. If this doctor is unable to do the surgery here in Haiti, then we would proceed in that direction. The hospital keeps the actual scans so I don’t have them, but I do have the written report (in English even). Would you mind if I emailed you about this?

  8. Joseph Kraft says

    Please do. Regards.

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