Staff Spotlight: Ginette

20151208_073602 cWe are happy to highlight Ginette and the work that she does as the RHFH chaplain during this Finish Strong Fund week with the clinic as our focus.  She is an important part of what we do to bring the Gospel to those we serve, helping spiritually and physically.  Her position shines the spotlight on Jesus and the hope that we have in Him.

Ginette is 26 years old and lives in Cazale.  She was born here and is from a Christian family.  Her mother passed away a few years ago and her father is still living.  She has 6 brothers and 2 sisters.  Four of them live in other countries and she doesn’t see them often.  She was married on December 13, 2014 and is pregnant with her first child.  Her husband and her rent a two room house with a latrine and shower.  They have a piece of land from her family and they hope to build a house on it one day.

She likes her work because it gives her a chance to talk to all kinds of people from all over Haiti to learn how they think and what they believe. IMG_8704 c She is able to help people in the mountains and in the cities.  It brings her joy to be able to bring spiritual support to others.  There are a few materials that would help her in her work:  Kreyol Bibles, books with pictures of stories in the Bible, musical toys, and crayons.

The part of her job that she doesn’t like is when she talks to people that have a closed heart to the Gospel.  She might not ever know the reason, but she prays that she is able to plant a seed of the Good News.  She would like to see more unity in the staff and for everyone to have the tools/resources to do their jobs better every day.  She would like to see the mission’s purpose be stronger and revived in the hearts of the employees to reach more people for Christ.20151208_073650 c

Her best memory of the work here is the story of Nanpamie.  She was swollen with severe kwashiorkor, peeling skin, and heart failure.  There was no one that thought that she would live.  In fact, she died multiple times and was brought back with CPR.  She struggled for many days and Ginette prayed with her daily.  She was an older child that could talk and was scared.  Ginette was able to comfort her and help her through it.  Nanpamie began to recover and Ginette knows that all the credit goes to God.  He has a plan of life for her.  She is healed now and back with her family.  When she comes to clinic for check-ups, Ginette always reminds her what God did when she was sick and gives God the glory for her healing and health.  This is an encouragement and witness for her parents too.  With God, all things are possible.

During her day, Ginette does group devotions and prayer with the clinic patients, helps weigh and measure patients, has individual prayer and counseling with patients, talks to the parents of children in the ICU/rescue center, visits the rescue center and prays with the children, talks/prays with adult inpatients, has devos with the older kids in the ICU, teaches a Bible class on Mondays, did a marriage class and helped plan the weddings of staff members, and helps out in any area needed throughout the day.IMG_8891 c

Her job helps her to grow in her spiritual life, to try harder to learn about others, and helps her learn to treat others well.  Because of her work she is able to help others know God better and grow closer to Him, encourage others, and guide people on a good road in life.  She tries to treat all people well and with respect to give them value and importance.  Many people here has been so poorly treated all of their lives that they don’t feel like a person.  She hopes that this makes them feel worthy of God’s love.

She likes living in Cazale because most of her family lives here, she feels safe, she works here, and she is able to support her church.  She sees that the village would better if they could build a better road, put in electricity, build a police station, and a clean market.

She thinks RHFH is able to help the area by meeting the needs of individuals – spiritual, educational, physical, and social.  The most important is the way that they point people to Jesus.  They help children go to school, build houses, help staff get married, help the local radio station, distribute IMG_8725 cChristian literature, give medical care, and decrease child deaths.

Ginette likes sports, especially running.  She loves to play with children and teach them.  She also enjoys listening to music, singing, and writing songs.

She attends Bethesda Baptist Church here in Cazale and asks that you pray for her, her family, and the patients she serves.  Pray that they can build a house for their family and that her pregnancy and delivery goes well.  Pray that her and the baby boy remain healthy.  Pray that her dad feels a completeness in his life and isn’t lonely without his wife of many years.  Pray that the clinic patients have open hearts to accept God’s Word and plan for their lives.


  1. Betsy says

    Is there a version of the Bible (in Kreyol) that you prefer? Do you know of a good source for them?

  2. Lori says

    We can buy Kreyol Bibles here in Haiti at LIFE Literature for around $6-7.

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