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Three Classes Begin

Our last Bible classes graduated in Dec and we took a break for a while because the chaplain, Ginette, was on maternity leave.  We thank God that her and the baby and doing well and are healthy.  Odnel and Ginette are each doing discipleship/Christian classes.

Odnel has 2 teen classes that are studying Pilgrim’s Progress.  There are a total of 22 kids, 11 in each class.  One class meets on Wednesday afternoon and the other on Thursday afternoon.  This is a requested class and many young adults wanted to attend so we have a waiting list for future classes.  This book reads like a story, but so many helpful lessons can be taken from it.  The teens like to act out parts of the book and have many discussions about how the book relates to their life.  They take away many ideas and draw strength from each other to live Godly lives.  We thank God for the opportunity to help guide these teens as young Christians on their life path.  Please pray that the Lord will speak to them through this class and give them the courage to continue living right and sharing what they have learned with others.
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Ginette is doing a marriage class with three couples.  Two employees (Pascal and Celita) are in the classes and will get married to their spouses in June.  This class presents many interesting discussion points for couples and lays a wonderful foundation for a Godly union.  Please pray that these couples will grow close to their Maker and to each other.  We hope that they will implement these Christian principles in their homes training up their children in the Lord.

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Miralaine and Pascal

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Celita and Guy














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