Love, Happy, Joy, Joy…. [Video]

The Haitian people face some of the fiercest and most challenging battles you can imagine. Despite this, they tend to have a jovial attitude despite all they endure each day. We are grateful to share life with them, both the good and bad times.

At times, we weep and mourn. But if you have spent time in Haiti, you know Haitians also love to laugh and smile and they are beautiful when they do.

Here is an old video of smiles, smiles, smiles, from the RHFH staff and friends in our community.



  1. Jodi Ellis says

    Just opened up a letter about Anne-Dorie, the girl our family sponsored for school. Thank you so much for taking the time to send the information. It was a wonderful thing to receive in our mailbox!

  2. Sarah says

    Now that was a great way to start the day!!

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