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Missions Monday: Jonathan Goforth

By: Casey Zachary

Goforth. What an awesome name for a missionary!

Jonathan Goforth was a Canadian missionary to China that lived from 1859-1936. He was born and raised on a farm in rural Ontario, the 7th of 11 children. He converted to Christianity when he was 18 and was a soul winner from thenceforth. Soon after his own conversion, it is reported he shared the Gospel with his high school class, resulting in the teacher and the entire class coming to Christ.

While reading the memoirs of Robert Murray McCheyne, he became increasingly convinced that he was to dedicate his life to full time missionary service. He married Rosalind Bell Smith in 1887 and was appointed by the Presbyterian Church of Canada to serve in China. Gosforth and his new wife arrived in China in 1888 and served in the North Honon Province. At that time, it was dangerous for foreigners in that area, however their zeal for their faith caused them to immerse themselves in the Chinese culture. Despite many setbacks, including losing several of their children, the first decade saw great fruit. They were able to train indigenous Bible teachers and evangelists.

The Goforths barely escaped with their lives during the 1900 Boxer rebellion. During their brief furlough back to Canada, Goforth became disgusted with the fact that modernism was negatively influencing the churches in his homeland and spoke out boldly on the subject. This, coupled with his longing to be with the churches he helped establish in China caused him to devote himself to fasting and praying for revival.

His family returned to China in 1901 and continued their work. In 1907, Goforth was able to visit Korea and witness the Koren revivals, which excited and empowered him to return to China and travel extensively in the Manchuria area, where the Spirit of God started a revival as well. Thousands of converts were baptized between 1908-1913.

During their 46 year ministry in China, God raised up over 60 Chinese evangelists and Bible teachers and established over 20 new missions stations.

“In all things seek to know God’s Will and when known obey at any cost.”

“If revival is being withheld from us it is because some idol remains still enthroned; because we still insist in placing our reliance in human schemes; because we still refuse to face the unchangeable truth that, ‘It is not by might, but by My Spirit.’ ”

“Seek to give much — expect nothing.”

**Information comes from the Evangelical Dictionary for World Missions

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