Saturday Morning Snack…

  • There is increasing scrutiny on NGO’s and the general post quake recovery. Of 1,583 contracts given in Haiti from the U.S. government totaling $267 million, only 20, for a total of $4.3 million, went to Haitian-owned companies, according to a review by the Associated Press.
  • JCD talking crazy. He’s insane in the brain, insane in the membrane.
  • Cholera case in Canada linked to Haiti.
  • An interview on NPR with the Humanitarian Coordinator for the UN and the Executive Director of the Haiti Watch Dog on the relief and recovery in Haiti.
  • Hopefully all the drama from the Haitian presidential elections is over and they realize these are real lives and not a soap opera. (Manigat or Martelly)


    1. Jess says

      It WOULD be nice if it were Saturday. Thanks for the snack anyway 🙂

    2. Bekki says

      JCD is obviously a devious, dangerous man. I just hope the current situation in Haiti does not cloud the memories of the populous.
      What does Martelly mean, exactly, when he says he will tell the NGOs what to do and how to do it? (If elected, of course.) I would assume that orgs such as RHFH who have been in country so many years would be left alone? All you guys need is some govt official to come breathing down your necks micromanaging you. From my experiences there with you and what I know from others, You have a special gift for helping the Haitians you serve. You help them to live better – and keep families together.

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