New kids from the past few weeks



19 pounds 24 months- 1st time with kwashiorkor-currently on the medika mamba program


5 years old 24 pounds-2nd time with kwashiorkor-currently on the medika mamba program

Jn Simon

12 months old 9 pounds.  His mama is very sick and malnourished and was trying to breastfeed him as well.  We are going to try and help both of them gain some weight.

Louvena has a large abcess behind her left ear.  She is 12 months old and still breastfeeding so mama is staying as well with her.  We are hoping that she heals quickly.


1 month old 8 pounds.  Manilia’s mom died about 1 week ago.  She was very sick and died alone in her house.  The family wants to keep her but cannot afford infant formula for her.  Her father works in the gardens/fields each day and has several other kids.  He cannot care for her and work to provide for the other children. Manila will stay at the RC for about 18 months.


20 months old and 16 pounds.  Her mother died in the earthquake and her family has been trying to take care of her since then.  She is in the beginning stages of kwashiorkor.


23 pounds and 4 years old.  Severe kwashiorkor.  He is in bad shape.  He refuses to eat or drink anything.  He is currently on a feeding tube. He needs your prayers.  He is currently on the medika mamba program.


11 pounds 4 ounces at 10 months old.  He is a cutie that has smiled from day 1.  He had a terrible case of scabies when admitted.


Her mother died from Cholera a few months ago.  This is her aunt in the picture with her.  She has been trying to take care of her but cannot afford or find resources to provide infant formula for her.  She will stay at the RC for several months.

Quote from a study published in Voices of the Poor.  Below is a small sample of the words that the poor use to describe their own situation.

For a poor person everything is terrible-illness, humiliation, shame.  We are cripples; we are afraid of everything; we depend on everyone.  No one needs us.  We are like garbage that everyone wants to get rid of.  MOLDOVA

This is from the book When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett & Brian Fikkert– I am currently reading this book that I first learned about from the Livesays.  A book we all should read.


  1. lora says

    Great book. I’m reading it too.

  2. annak says

    I wish I was there with these kiddos so bad…

  3. Jacci in Ohio says


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