That’s it!

Licia’s favorite candy:  attacked and obliterated.

Lori’s secret candy tin: discovered and annihilated.

This is the end, rats and mice!  We are tired of this abuse.  We will not tolerate your presence one moment longer.


Just so that you rodents know we mean business, here is our latest WMD.

Be scared.  Be very scared.


  1. Anna K says

    hello george, watch out… those rats are 10x your size! (y’all might consider putting this new addition on the Medika Mamba program- just sayin) 🙂

  2. christi says

    This is hysterical!! Having seen and experienced the RHFH residence rats up close and personal, I wonder if some Medika Mamba in the kittens bowl is in order??!! haha

  3. Stephanie S says

    Oh my gosh! That kitty is so adorable and will get eaten alive with those rats. I about peed my pants when I read Anna K’s comment! I would totally sponsor your kitty, George is it? to get some meat on his bones. 🙂

  4. Janet says

    With a tail like that, George has to be a winner. Eventually. Was it a rat or a cat that got his ear? I hope he is tied up close to the candy stash and not too close to the food. I hated cats when I lived in Haiti because I never had leftovers left. Didn’t matter what I did with it, the cats would find a way in.

  5. Jess says

    I like the ghetto leash. hahahaa!

    I agree with Anna….Medika Mamba is necessary! We need a beast of a cat! (Because Don apparently isn’t man enough to keep the rodents away)

  6. Benita says

    Hello Kreyol Kitty! What’s your name?

    You have some work to do, my wee friend.

  7. Licia says

    Just so you know this cat was given to us free of charge by a staff member who works the night shift and get to see all the big ones. Trey is of course in love and “walks” the cat everywhere he goes. You know it is getting bad when the rat stops and looks at you and does not run. He was looking at me sitting on top of Lori’s printer and he was just saying with his eyes blan I own this office now I am in charge, I will eat all your secret candy. (or something like that) 🙂 I love Haiti even with all the rats!

  8. Bekki says

    No more monkeys jumping on the bed – er, eating in the office!

  9. Debbie Woodward says

    No problem George. There is still time for the new kid on the block to get “pumped up”.

    I’m not sure where the cat came from in January, but there is already a gray cat and it hangs out at night when we are sleeping. I found that out when I was staying up through the night with the babies.

    They can be a tag team.

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