Claudette and her chicken


Claudette asked me to take her picture this morning.  Little did I know she wanted to take a pic with her chicken.  We want to thank you for all your prayers for her.  She had a good 1/2 day yesterday and slept well last night.  THANKS to everyone that has donated funds for food for her as well.  IN the name of Jesus she is going to make it and walk.


  1. Anna K says

    love this post. her smile is beautiful- her real smile… all I saw was morphine induced ones 😉 love you guys more than anything in the world. can’t wait to be in Haiti soon!

  2. Molly says

    Beautiful… just beautiful. Lifting up Claudette and all of you who involved in her nurture, care, and recovery. May God give you abundant wisdom and fill you with strength and endurance as you bear witness of His great love to all who know you near and far.

  3. Anna K says

    ps: i was trying to figure out why she looked so different to me and i realized ive never seen her with real clothes- just bandages. she looks beautiful in her pillowcase dress 🙂

  4. Roberta says

    AW! This definitely made me smile. Miss her tons and love her hair and her smile. I agree with Anna, she looks SO different in her cute dress and smiling without morphine. 🙂 She is always in our prayers!

  5. kristen says

    thank you lord!! have been praying for her daily… to be restored mentally , spiritually and physically.

  6. Dawn Scott says

    It makes my heart happy to see her beautiful smile. Praise God!!

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