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Join us in praying that God would be merciful to those suffering in Japan

Please join us in praying for the Japanese people this morning, many of which are suffering the impact of a massive 8.9 earthquake and subsequent tsunami. We certainly know many of the challenges that accompany responding to a disaster that leaves jaw dropping images such as those we are seeing out of Japan today. We also have felt the power of prayer during such times, as you and others from around the world lifted your voices in prayer for all of us in Haiti. Let us lift our voices again today, that the Japanese people might feel the power of prayer as well.

  • Pray that many lessons learned from the earthquake in Haiti will enable organizations/ governments to respond effectively and efficiently to this disaster.
  • Pray for those in need, that rescue/ relief come to them swiftly.
  • Pray for those who have lost a loved one, their home, possessions and because of destruction, their job.
  • Pray for rescuers and first responders, that they would be strengthened and God would provide safety, rest, and encouragement as they encounter unspeakable suffering.
  • Pray that God would touch the victims of the earthquake/ tsunami with His strong hand, bringing comfort and hope to them during this time of unrelenting pain and loss.
  • Pray for families that have witnessed the unthinkable, are separated from loved one, and are fearing their own safety.
  • Pray that the Body of Christ would respond in such a way as to demonstrate God’s unyielding love and compassion.
  • Pray that Japanese believers would be quick to listen, quick to love, and quick to help those in physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual need.
  • Pray for the Japanese government, that they would have strong leadership, clarity of mind, and effectively communicate their plan moving forward in the process of restoring lives and communities.
  • Pray for cooperation among NGO’s and their capacity to make a lasting difference.
  • Pray and ask God how we can be generous to those suffering.
  • Pray for God’s grace upon communities, that strong Christians will arise and play a significant role in portraying God’s hope for the future and encourage people to stand together in rebuilding their communities.

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