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High Fives all around…

1. We are grateful for your active readership. Thank you for many of you who migrated from Licia’s former blog to this current one.

2. God uses your words of encouragement to strengthen our hearts as we labor for Him in the work here. Write a note of encouragement to our staff missionaries today!

3. Gigantic thank you to our friends who remember us and the Haitian people in their prayers each day.

3. If you don’t already, you can follow us on Facebook orĀ Twitter.

4. Please consider subscribing to our RSS feed

5. If you have visited our facilities in Haiti, please consider offering your opinions of our work on Great Non-Profit’s website. Writing a short review can help others learn more about what God is doing through RHFH. Thank you to those who have already written a review.

Words of encouragement and prayer are like a spiritual high five. Sharing a link on FB or RTing on twitter or offering a review on our behalf is like a spiritual high five.

Thanks for all the high fives everyone.

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