Sometime in your life, hope that you might see one starved man, the look on his face when the bread finally arrives.  Hope that you might have baked it or bought or even kneaded it yourself.  For that look on his face, for your meeting his eyes across a piece of bread, you might be willing to lose a lot, or suffer a lot, or die a little, even.  ~Daniel Berrigan


  1. Tine says

    Really nice blog. I am doing some research about Haiti one year later. I can’t stop reading here, beautiful stories.

    I found a reportage about Haiti one year later on Humania Tv, I was thinking you maybe like it. Here is the link.

  2. Annette Clifton says

    I love that quote. Praying that my eyes and heart will be open to any opportunity to serve that God puts before me.

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