More pictures….

We made a trip to the library today and got a card and checked out some books.

Oh Yes I am making him take a bunch of pictures in front of everything.  : )

Thank you so much to Amy and her family for letting us use their van for a whole month!  WoW!  It is super nice and the boys are loving the DVD player.  Thank you for making this a special trip for us!

At the hotel

that has an indoor pool!

Ameyah does not enjoy her car seat at all or the cold weather, but she does love her papa.


  1. Lori says

    I need photos of the boys jumping in the pool. Better yet, YOU jumping in the pool. You better do it at least once for me. You can just show my the photo when you get back. Everyone looks so cold!!! Ameyah looks SO tired in the pool. Get Carmelo to smile in at least one picture. He’s not too cool to smile! SO glad to see these and know you are doing well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Angela Pierce says

    Praying they read those books and that Target was a GRAND adventure!!

  3. Amy says

    Thank you for sharing the photos. I’m so glad things are going well for you!

    What was Enoch’s initial reaction to everything? Is he overwhelmed? I’m very interested to know! Post if you have time!

    ~Amy in WI

  4. Jess says

    I <3 toothless Trey.

  5. Carly says

    so exciting to see your wonderful fun filled adventure!! Happy vacation!!

  6. Bekki says

    the only thing that would make me happier than seeing these pictures is seeing you in person. Love to all and BIG WELCOME to Enoch!

  7. Stephanie S says

    I love all the pictures!

  8. Beverly says

    Oh Lori You and your precious family have such a good time in my state of indiana and I pray your Pop can recoup from his stomach illness. You deserve a good rest and a wonderful visit with your HUSBAND for the very first time in the U.S. I pray you can get the rest and relaxation you so deserve. Wish i was there to give you a Hoosier Hug.

  9. Roberta says

    Oh my goodness!!! These all make me smile! 🙂 Have fun with all your adventures and family time.

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