Thanks for the Donations!

It was perfect timing that everything came to me by the day before I left for Haiti.  Many people sent and donated things for Claudette. She got a doll from Doctor Summer Black and her family, who is burnt just like her, and mini strips of gauze and tape. Yesterday I taught her how to do it’s dressing change- she loved it! We went through the process of giving her medicine, laying her down just as Claudette has to and cleaning and re bandaging it.

Evelyn Dybowski sent New Gel silicone sheeting to help Clauedette’s skin heal and limit scarring and a beautiful Barbie.  This will be such a blessing to her!

I also was able to bring in the Silvadine Cream  and A&D ointment for Claudette as well as Aloe Vera, a million thanks to everyone who gave to fund this and to Dr. Kathleen Quadro for ordering the Silvadine jars for such an amazing price!

2 Corinthians 9:8
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything; you may have an abundance for every good deed;


  1. Joanne Cottrill says

    Hi Anna
    Did you happen to get a parcel for Claudette from Nova Scotia, Canada? It was mailed to you on April 4.

  2. Vickie says

    I so appreciate the pictures and updates on Claudette! I was there in January with AFH and was so encouraged to see how much better she looks. There is life in those beautiful eyes again. I can’t begin to thank God enough for RHFH and the incredible group of people that care for her and all the others every single day.
    Blessings to you all.

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