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Cholera cases are on the rise in our area.

Reports are the after a temporary lull in reported cholera cases, they are on the rise once again in rural Haiti. We can confirm that. Yesterday, our cholera house was over capacity. Some children were sharing cots with adults. Lori was having to refer some to larger regional facilities because we could not accommodate the volume of patients.

Last night (Thursday night), 26 patients stayed overnight at the cholera house. Lori is asking for prayer for strength for our dedicated Haitian staff, quick healing for our patients, and attentive ears as education is taught to those in surrounding communities.

I am extremely proud of my sister Lori. She synthesized a lot of information from a lot of places and put together an amazing facility in the cholera house. The official tally is that there have been 4,856 deaths related to cholera since the outbreak began. Since the cholera house opened Nov. 9, there have been over 1300 patients and only 2 deaths in the facility and 3 in the Rescue Center. That is pretty impressive. Credit is due to Lori for her leadership and, to our Haitian staff for their sincere and tireless work, and to many of you for giving and praying in supporting us in this effort. Above all we give honor and praise to God for sustaining us and protecting those who have entered our doors.

A good friends, Dr. Jen Halverson, is raising money to purchase medical supplies to bring to Haiti next month. She has been a tremendous help and encouragement to us. Please consider helping her buy these much needed supplies.

If you are new to our blog, here is a video our friend Mary Davis put together for us about the cholera house.

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