Saturday Morning Snack

Okay, no news links today.

Instead, I’d like to ask you to take a few moments to complete a short survey for us regarding the RHFH blog.

For every person who does the survey, Lori will take a one minute break, although she informs me if it is over 60 people, it might have to be spread out over the course of 6 months.


  1. admin says

    best. post. ever. seriously, funny times.

  2. Bekki says

    If I do the survey 20 times – will Lori take 20 minutes?

  3. Jess says

    I’m going to do the survey 7000 times. LOVE YOU LORI! 🙂

  4. Debbie Woodward says

    Definitely like the idea that Lori will take minutes away from work. Everybody PLEASE take the survey. Lori and Charlie could use a month off.

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