Some of the new kids at the RC

We admitted several new children this past week.  Here are a few of them.


is 5 years old and weighs 24 pounds.  He has 4 living siblings-2 sisters and 2 brothers.  He has 2 other siblings that have died.  This is his first time with kwashiorkor.  He is currently on the Medika Mamba program and eating 15 tablespoons of it a day.


Her age is unknown. She weighs 14 pounds.  She was found at an orphanage not to far from us.  She seemed to be the smallest of the bunch and was falling behind.  She is currently on the Medika Mamba program and eating 8.5 tablespoons a day.


is 4 months old and weighs 11 pounds.  He mother went crazy after she gave birth to her.  They tried to keep her tied up in her house and forced her to feed Nerlande.  But she got away.  She has been gone for 15 days now and no one knows where she is at.  The family ran out of funds to purchase infant formula.  RHFH offered to give them formula to take home but no one in the family wants to take care of a small baby.


is 10.5 years old and weights 35 pounds.  She has 2 living siblings.  This is her 3rd time with kwashiorkor.  This is her 3rd time in the RC.  First time in 2004, second in 2005 third in 2011. She is currently on the Medika Mamba program and is eating 21 tablespoons a day.


is from the cholera house.  She is 11 years old and weighs 35 pounds.  She will be staying with us for a few months.  This is her 3rd time with kwashiorkor.  She has two living siblings. She is very weak.  She is currently on the medika mamba program and is eating 21 tablespoons a day.


returned home at the end of 2009.  He has stayed right around the same weight since then.  His family recieves funds from RHFH each month to buy food for the family.  The head nurse that sees him requested that we take him for a few months to see if we can get him to gain any weight.

Habakkuk 3:17-18 (NIV))

17 Though the fig tree does not bud
and there are no grapes on the vines,
though the olive crop fails
and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the pen
and no cattle in the stalls,
18 yet I will rejoice in the LORD,
I will be joyful in God my Savior.


  1. Carol Harwood says

    Is this Renald??? Where is his beautiful smile? Dear God watch over all of these children. amen

  2. Steve says

    I can’t find the words to express how this affects me. I am humbled by the work done at RHFH. If we find a child that is below 5 th percentile we think it’s tragic. But 10 and 11 year old girls weighing 35 pounds. Tears of joy they are being helped yet incredulous tears that this happens so close to home.

  3. April says

    These posts are such a powerful reality check. God bless.

  4. Jess says

    I sure hope and pray that I get to paint nails and have dance parties with Judeline and Eveline 🙂

    3 months seems life F-O-R-E-V-E-R

  5. Amy says

    Renald missed Paige…and the Livesays! I hadn’t heard anything about him after the earthquake, so I was so glad to see this post (in a way) to see that he is okay. Glad he is back with you to get healthy and gain weight again.

    ~Amy in WI

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