Prayers needed

Rough night. Mamenda is very ill again. 3 year old is resp distress. 10 year old with severe diar/vomiting. Child in the RC died at 3am. We need your prayers friends. We are heart broken over Mamenda

UPDATE:  Mamenda died this afternoon. Prayers for her mama and papa that loved her so much, and the RHFH staff that is discouraged today. Li nan men Bondye- She is in God’s hands now.


  1. Anna K says

    praying. love you guys.

  2. Bekki says

    praying for you and the children you serve….

  3. Keverly says

    I’m so, so sorry. I’m praying for her family and for you all.

  4. Dan says

    I am so very sorry. I am praying for the family.

  5. Emily says

    Heart broken here. Lord, have mercy on your children, your servants, and turn our eyes to see your face. Strengthen Mamenda’s family, as well as the family of the other child who is with you now; grant them peace; turn their faces to seek yours, and be with Claudette–that she would not be afraid. Keep and preserve the lives of those who struggle still; these image-bearers of you, and send a mighty wind to bear up your servants at RHFH, that they might fly on wings of eagles and not be weary, despite unimaginable fatigue. Amen.

    I am reminded of the verses from Colossians 1 that I have been memorizing:

    “Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh, I am filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church, of which I became a minister, according to the stewardship of God that was given to me for you, to make the word of God fully known, the mystery hidden for ages and generations but now revealed to his saints. To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory…For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works in me.”

    Here is a wonderful study I heard on these very verses explaining how Christ’s work is sufficient, but we fill up what is lacking by being his physical presence of ministry to the hurting: http://www.redeemerpres.org/files/Book%20of%20Colossians/03.03.11.mp3

    Thank you for your faithful work. We continue to pray that your hearts would be encouraged, and that the Lord would look with mercy on His children.

  6. Craig Lee says

    I was in the Rescue on Wed of last week, with Doc Steve Brown. I prayed with Mamenda for healing and rest. Although I believe God could have healed her, He also knows what is best for her.

    I made a commitment to pray for the Rescue Center.

    May God bless you all. When I walked in your gate last week, I could feel the presence and care of the Holy Spirit. Keep up the good fight and don’t give up. The work you do is making eternal impact for Jesus.

    God bless you all.


    PS. I hope to return to Haiti soon and I hope to return to visit the Center.

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