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Housing need

from Lori

UPDATE:  NEED MET!!  THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We daily receive letters requesting money, jobs, clothes, food, and lots of other things.  We do what we can for those in need if we and the staff here really feel that they are in a pinch and deserve it.  Yesterday, we received one that Charly wanted me to share.  Like thousands of people here in Haiti, this lady doesn’t have anywhere to live.  It would be a blessing to her to have a place for her and her two kids to stay as she tries to put her life back together.

Good morning everyone,

I’m writing this little letter just so that I can tell you about the situation I’m living in.  This is how my problems are.  Please, I want you to understand me.  I have two kids.  One is 3 years old and the other is 2 months old.  Their father died.  I lived at my sister’s house for awhile.  She doesn’t have alot of room and told me that I needed to find another place to live.  I’m staying at a friend’s house.  She said that I can only stay there for 5 days.  Please see how you can help me.  My mom is dead and my dad has never did anything for me.  I already say thank you in advance. I hope that I find a little something to help us.  God will bless you.  Thank you very much for your understanding.  Thank you.


One year’s rent will be $195.00.  Any amount would help her as she is trying to reach this goal.  Please use the “Donate Paypal” button on the upper right to send her funds.  Please note that it is for “Vanessa” in the instructions.  Thank you.

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