Thank you Jesus

Thank you father for the cholera house-where over 1600 people have been treated

Thank you Jesus for test to confirm this illness

Thank you Jesus when 1 bag of serum is not enough you provide 2

Thank you Jesus for a wonderful caring staff that work so hard to save so many

Thank you Jesus for strong arms to carry those that cannot walk anymore

Thank you Jesus for the supplies that keep coming in-yes-Jesus we even thank you for the bucket.

Thank you Jesus for a door from a house. With no stretcher or bed in the home they carried the sick one down on the door. 

We ask you heavenly father that you continue to provide for these needs.  You have never, ever, ever let us down.  You always provide, You are always there for us.  Oh sweet Jesus we love you so much.  Thank you for giving us the privilege to be here.  Thank you for directing us each day.  Thank you for each person you send to us.  Thank you for each need you meet.  Thank you for always, always, always being there to walk right beside us.  We stand in awe of you Jesus and your love for us.  We love you so very much!  Amen.


  1. Sandy Kinnaman says

    Thank you Jesus for caring & compassionate people. Help us to love with Christlike love.

  2. Bekki says

    Amen and amen!

  3. Jennifer Hazen says


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