matching grant

Someone is offering a donation for matching funds for $2000 for today for the cholera house.  Let’s make this happen today!  Numbers still increasing even today.


  1. kristen says


    Felt like God had this song for you today…. HOLD FAST- Mercy me. Lifting you ALL up in prayers today!!!!!!!

  2. Bekki says

    sent a donation – forgot to write cholera house in the memo line. But you know it is for this need. My heart is breaking for all these hurting people. Father God, please bless the people of Haiti who are in need of healing – thank you for your servants who help them. Be with them all and give to them according to your will. Amen.

  3. Libby says

    I made a donation and posted on my FB page. Likewise I did not see the memo line, but I had hoped my donation would assist with the need for the hospital gowns.

    God bless you all for the love and care you are giving to the Haitians who are in such desperate need of His healing graces. L

  4. stephanie says

    HI Licia, i don’t know if this would count toward you getting your matching funds, but our church has WOWED us by raising (so far…church year not QUITE over yet) $2085.50 for the Rescue Center!!! We won’t have the check quite yet, till June or July (we have one more fundraiser and hopefully a fundraising lunch), but maybe this could help you get your matching $2000??? Please, matching funds person??? The kids at our church have worked so hard, to tell them that we were able to help you get an extra $2000 would send them all through the roof!!!


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