Wow! To God be all the Glory!

  • We want to thank the 47 people,one organization and one church that donated $15,370 for the cholera need.   We are so thankful to everyone that is praying, giving and caring.  We love you all so much.  It is a joy to share with our staff  how there are so many that care about Haiti.  It encourages them.  Dad will be buying supplies tomorrow.  New staff has been hired for the cholera house.  Dad went today to get some supplies at one of our semi trailer.  He found several cases of gloves that we did not know we had.  🙂
  • Tonight we have 53 ,55 60 at the cholera house.  There were 25, 27 32 new admits and 21 people that were well enough to send home.  Remember we have 25 beds.  Tonight we ran out of chairs for people to sit in.  We are currently taking all the chairs from our houses up so they can at least have a place to sit. 
  • Just went up to the cholera house–oh my–there are people everywhere.  But…I went inside to see the families that were on the below blog post. I was able to share with them about you and what you all have done for them.  There were tears of joy, there were many that raised their hand to Jesus.  They feel you. They appreciate you. God is doing great things.  I wish each of you could be here to feel what we are feeling, to see what we are seeing.  To know that you know, that you know there is a wonderful, powerful God that loves His children so much.
  • Please continue to pray for us and the staff.  We will be working on getting supplies into Cazale in the next few days.  Town is a 1.5 to 2 hour drive on good traffic days, so there is only so many trips in a day dad can make. 
  • We will be working on getting IV fluids and chux pads in tomorrow as well.  At the rate we are going we only have enough IV fluids for a few more days. 


  1. kristen says

    thank you jesus.

  2. Kristin says

    This has been on my heart all evening. So encouraged to read the update. We are praying in New Jersey for steadfastness and energy for all the staff of the cholera house.

  3. Judi says

    AmeriCares is aware of your need for supplies and is ready to assist.
    Plz contact Ted Davis email tdavis[at]americares.org.

  4. Jamie Bruce says

    Blessed be the name of the Lord, blessed be his glorious name

  5. Bekki says

    God is so good! Bondye se konsa bon! Mesi Papa Bondye!

  6. Merry says

    Oh Praise God! When I read the need, my heart broke, I felt so helpless because I just had nothing to give. then I decided, well, I can pray. And I did pray. I will continue to pray. God is a big God and He can provide.

  7. Tena says

    God is so good, we praise him even in the storm!

  8. shannon kelley says

    This post just thrilled me to see that God answered prayers! Praying hard still for you all!

  9. lora mapp says

    “…there were many that raised their hand to Jesus.” What a blessing to read those wonderful words! Thank you for the update….praise the Lord! Still praying for you all with love.

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