
Clercineau was in the RC around the time of the earthquake.  He was a year old and weighed 5 pounds.  We were going through a rough time with finding a building to house the children from the RC.  They were living under a shelter where the clinic patients usually wait to be seen. 

It was a difficult time for us and very stressful for those that were very sick.  Clercineau was just not doing well.  GLA offered to take as many kids as they could for us to help out with our load.  We talked with his parents and they agreed that it was a good idea. 

Clercineau recently came back to Cazale.  He will be staying in the RC for a few more weeks before he returns home to his family.  He is doing well and we are so thankful to GLA for all their love and support to Real Hope For Haiti.


  1. Caroline says

    I am freaking out!!!!!! I cannot believe this. Little bird. Remember that picture of him next to the hamburger??? PRAISE THE LORD!!!!

  2. kristen says

    thank you so much lord.

  3. Bonnie says

    The progression of his revived health brings tears to my eyes. Amen.

  4. Chrystal says

    Praise the Lord! Thank you for sharing.

  5. Joanne Cottrill says

    Our family has followed Clercineau since he went to GLA and I got to meet this little sweetie when I was there last fall. He is remembered in our prayers often.

  6. Cheryl says

    Clercineau is a miracle. God used GLA and the love and attention of the staff and volunteers there (Yeah for Miss Vicki!)to bring him back to health.

  7. kathy says


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