Timoun yo

My kids give me so much joy.  Even though it was 10pm before I got upstairs to the house last night, they were all waiting for me with their papa. What could be better after a long day.

Ameyah is crawling all over the place. She is pulling herself up and standing/walking along the furniture and walls.  She loves to put everything in her mouth.  Her favorite food is rice and bean sauce.

Trey is getting worried that his teeth are not going to grow.  He lost another one this week.  He often asks us if he will have to be like this his whole life.  I always tell him they will grow back.  He told me last night that it is okay if he has no front teeth, why? I asked.  He told me that he is a Haitian and lots of Haitians do not have front teeth and they are cool that way. 🙂  That is my Trey 🙂

Henley is my most caring and loving boy.  He wants everyone to not be sick and is always concerned about those coming to the clinic. He washes his hand many, many times each day and tell everyone that comes to our house to take their shoes off.  He is scared of cholera.  He is loving summer vacation.

Carmelo is 14 and did not want his picture taken. 🙂  He is a very caring boy that still calls me “mommy”.  He is learning to play guitar this summer and has been helping out in the office some. He likes to play basketball with his friends.  He is a great big brother.


  1. kathy says

    They are all adorable!

  2. Bekki says

    Tell the boys Antonio and Djenica say hello and they want to come visit you guys!

  3. Angela says

    Missing this family big time.

  4. Jess says

    Ameyah!! O my goodness Lic…she is so perfect!

    I laughed out loud at your Trey story! I am thinking I need to start a “trey quote book” once I get down there.

    Looks like Hen just took his braids out 🙂 Can’t believe how old he looks…I better get my butt down there before He turns 18!! 😉

    Carmelo…you are ridiculous. I miss your laugh!

  5. David Tillman says

    The pictures remind me to my twin boys. Gorgeous!

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