Happy Birthday henley!

Henley had a Birthday on Aug 27th.  We ordered B-day presents and they were going to come in the Monday before his B-day.  But it did not happen.  The present have still not made it and will arrive within the next few weeks.  Enoch and I made a quick trip to town and got a few small gifts, and picked out and cool cake. 

Invited some of his friends.  The Birthday was a hit!  We have a fun evening with everyone.  We sure did miss Carmelo.  He is still in the USA with grandpa and Lori and Charlie.  They will return this week.

We are so blessed to have Henley in our lives.  He is a great kid.

Had to add this picture of the little sis!  She is getting so big!


  1. Ralph, Sharel and Loudnie says

    Henely is one of the sweetest young men I know . Not what he wants to hear. And he has cool hair. How is that .. We miss his smiling face and Jesus spirit all the time. Love to him and his sweet sister. OH yes and his brothers and MOM AND DAD!!!!!!!!!

  2. kathy says

    He’s adorable, er, handsome. Happy birthday!

  3. Anna K says

    wish i could have been there to give him the biggest high-five ever and wish him the happiest day of life. please tell him i miss being his teacher and that he rocks 🙂

  4. Jacob Wade says

    I’m diggin that Guitar T-Shirt. Can’t wait to chill with this young man and his brothers.

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