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RHFH employee #5

Meet Sonite…

How long have you been working at RHFH?

I have been working for RHFH on and off since 1993.

How old are you?

35 years old

How many siblings do you have?

I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters

What/Where do you work?

I do lots of things.  I work in the clinic and count pills in the pharmacy.  I bag up the clorox powder for the cholera house, I clean, I work with the hanicapped kids

What would you like to see happen in Cazale?

I think if we had some school to teach us skills that would be really good and anything that would bring more jobs to the area.

Do you like the work that you do?

I really like my work.  When I have a job I feel like a person because I was in hiding because of my debt that I owed people.  Now I can pay my debts, feed my kids, send my kids to school.

How did you come to work at RHFH?

Many years ago I had two children.  I went to the Dominican Rebublic to try and find work.  I was there for a while and they called me and told me my oldest daughter was very sick.  I had to spend the little money that I had saved to return to Haiti.  When I got there she was very ill.  I took her to a hospital in Port-au-Prince.  They gave me some medications and sent me home.  I went back to Cazale where my family was living at the time.  They told me to try and go to the clinic in Cazale.  They were not opened that day for consultation but Madame Zach saw my daughter, and it hurt her heart to see how sick she was.  She took her into her care and tried to help her.  She died the next morning.  It was a very difficult time for me.  I went back to see Madame Zach after we buried my daughter.  I wanted to tell her thank you.  I also told her that I did not want to go back to the Dominican Republic.  I told her I needed work.  She told me to come see her in a few day and gave me a job.  I will never forget madame Zach.

What do you see that RHFH does in the area?

The good work they do for this country, it is hard to tell it all.  I know the first thing is-there would be alot of kids that would be dead from malnutrition.  There would be alot of babies dead that have no mothers to take care of them. They never make people pay to take care of them.  Other hospitals would let the poor die if they did not give them money.  Even when people die they buy their caskets and pay to bury them.  There are so many other things food, help with school, gardens etc.

There is another sickness that is called Cholera.  This thing cholera is killing a lot of people.  God really loved us and thought about us a long time ago.  He sent this mission to be a pillar in the middle of our village to save us.  We all know that it is God that chose Cazale to send these white people to.  To give us life. We are there with them to the end with Jesus.

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