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The Betor family..

Well Carmelo made it back to Haiti this past week.  We were finally able to make it to church Sunday after not being able to go for over a month.  When we have so many sick kids and adults someone has to stay home to give meds and watch over those that are not doing well.  Lori stayed home this past Sunday so we could get out for a day.  Church was WONDERFUL and just what we needed.  We went out to eat and then up to the lookout to check that out with Jess and Joy (the new teacher-post coming up on her soon!)  Thank you once again to all those that gave for our vehicle fund last year.  You will never know how much a break for a day means for our family.

Check out the new RHFH staff member trying to get a picture of herself 🙂  This is my favorite pic of the day.  We love Jess so much and are SOOOO happy that she is here in Cazale with us!

Enoch and his little brother

the boys with their uncle

Remember Serette you can read about her here? (Update on her soon!)  Her dad was able to get new nets and a boat with the funds donated.  He brings us fresh fish once a week.  This week the fish were still alive when they arrived.  Trey and Henley took the fish to the house and put them in buckets for awhile until we cleaned them and had them for dinner. 🙂

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