New kiddos at the RC


Wichelson is 18 months old and weighs 25 pounds.  This is his first time with kwashiorkor.  His other issues have been fever, vomiting, diar and a cold. He is currently on the medika mamba program.


Stanley was in the RC  in 2009/2010

lowest weight  13 pounds 3 ounces     going home weight 22 pounds

Stanley was here in 09/10.  In those crazy days after the earthquake, Anna was caring for him, and he had non stop seizures for 16 hours.  He was on the medika mamba program for 15 weeks and did well on the program.  After graduating he went home with his mother.  The mother did not follow for return appointments at the clinic.  We did not see him for about 1 year.  Jess came and told me there was a really bad child outside the gate.  We went out and got them inside and began to get his chart.  It was then we learned who it was.  I did not even reconize him when I saw him. He is struggling this week.  It is such a fragile balance for these kids with kwashiorkor.  He is currently back on the medika mamba program. 


Starana is Stanley’s (above) only sibling.  There was another sibling  that died of kwashiorkor a few years ago.  She is 19 months old and weighs 16 pounds 4 ounces.  She was very weak when admitted, but she is eating well and we have hope that she will recover quickly.  I asked the mom why she did not come earlier, she said she did not have tap-tap (taxi) money.  She and the dad are not together and she was waiting on him to bring her some money to get to Cazale.  It cost her around $3.75 to get her.  She left her house at 5am and walked to a place that she could find a motocycle and then got in a tap-tap (taxi) and then back on a moto to get to Cazale.  She arrived here in the early afternoon. Starana is currently on the medika mamba program.


       June  2010~24 pounds                                                         Aug 2010~going home~29 pounds

Oct 2011~back for the second time at 29 pounds with kwashiorkor again.  Selon has 10 living siblings and 2 that have died.  One of those with kwashiorkor.  Dad has died and left mom to raise the family by herself.  He is currently on the medika mamba program.


Ronelson has a twin brother.  His twin is malnourished but not as bad as Ronelson.  We are really full right now, so we only admitted Ronelson.  He is 18 months old and weighs 11 pounds 4 ounces.  His mom died almost a year ago.  His step mother brought him to the clinic.  Besides his twin he has one other brother that is older.  The step mother really seemed to care for the boys and was generally concerned about them.  He is currently on the medika mamba program.


Ignace is 8 years old and weighs 40 pounds.  He has kwashiorkor, fever and a cold.  This is his 3rd time with kwashiorkor.  He has 6 living siblings.


Betchaida is 9 months old and weighs 12 pounds.  She has 2 living siblings. She is currently on the medika mamba program.


Aliane was 7 days old when she came to the clinic.  She weighed in at 2 pounds 14 ounces.  Her mom has had 17 children and they all have died.  All are born early and small.  Some have lived for a few weeks and some for a few months, but none have made it any longer.  Aliane is in good hands.  She is at GLA and seems to be doing well so far.  We are happy and are praying that she will live.

Wideline has been with us for several weeks.  She was not doing well and was on oxygen for several days.  She was not expected to live, but God seems to have other plans.  She is alive and getting better.  Praise the Lord!!

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV


  1. Kathy says

    Wow. I’m always so blown away by all the needs, but also by the hope. How sad for the moms who don’t have the money to get there for the help they need.

  2. Kathy says

    Would it be okay if I pay pal’d some money so Starana’s mom could haev tap tap fare to visit when she needs to?

  3. Licia says

    That would be great!! Thank you!

  4. Kathy says

    pay pal’d it last night.

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