Kettema is doing great!



Kettema first came to us in January of 2009.  She weighed 17 pounds 9 ounces and was 20 months old.

She was one of the first children on the Medika Mamba program and she did very well.  She gained weight quickly.

She stayed in the Rescue Center until July 2009 and then went back with her mother.  She came back through the clinic after discharge and was doing well.

She returned to the clinic this week.  She is 52 months (4 yrs 4 months) and weighs 33 pounds.  She is doing GREAT!!!

Her mother was pregnant at the time that Kettema stayed in the Rescue Center.  She came to clinic this week with that child and he is doing well too.  Kettema and I did a happy dance and clapped our hands because she is getting to be such a big girl.  Hallelujah for God’s Grace!  Glory to the Life Giver!  Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy for healthy kids!  Praise Him!





  1. Bekki says

    This is such a great post to read because it helps us to see the LONGTERM results of what you do, what we can help you do with our donations. SO glad to see a child doing so well two years later – and her brother doing well also. Your teaching works! Bondye bon!

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