Kettia back for a visit after 9 years

This is Kettia.  She is 11 years old.  When she was 17 months old she was was admitted into the rescue center.  She was in the first group of kids in the new center when we started in Cazale.  At the time she was admitted she only weighted 10 pounds 6 ounces.  She was very small for 17 months old.  She stayed with us 2 months and gained 5 pounds.  She went back home with her mama and followed in the clinic for a few months.  She has not been back to the clinic since 2002.  WOW! 

Her mom asked to see us and we were so happy and teary eyed to see this beautiful girl.  Her mom has done so well and she is so healthy.  She currently weighs 58 pounds.  I told her mom “you just gave me the strength to get through another year”!  It was such a joy to see that this little child that was with us so long ago it still alive and healthy!  Kettia was very happy. She said she still prays for us every Sunday at church.

What we need is to love without getting tired.  How does a lamp burn? 

Through the continuous input of small drops of oil.  What are these drops of oil in our lamps? 

They are the small things of daily life, faithfulness, small words of kindness,

a thought for others, our way of being silent, of looking, of speaking, and of acting. 

Do not look for Jesus away from yourselves.  He is not out there; He is in you. 

Keep your lamp burning, and you will recognize Him.    Mother Teresa








  1. enola says

    This makes me so happy. We also pray for you daily.

  2. Karen says

    I just got chill bumps. 🙂

  3. lora mapp says

    Thank you Jesus for orchestrating such a blessing:)

  4. Erin Merrihew says

    I am SO very thankful and praise the Lord that He has encouraged your hearts! Thank you Lord!!!

  5. Dee says

    She is so beautiful! THIS is what God can do when his people open themselves to His will. Licia, you and your whole family are the soldiers on the front line of a tremendous battle. God clothe you in his armor for the fight. Let not those of us reading this waver in our prayers and support. Together we are asked to stand-let’s do it!!!

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