Worship Wednesday: Our Obligation isn’t to the Old Power But the New One…

Communion is a sweet time.

I appreciate and value it on multiple levels. From looking to my left and right and thinking “this is my brother, this is my sister” to having those few moments of contemplation before receiving the elements. Those are some of the most powerful times in my life. When the world seems to stop spinning around me, life slows down, and my life is laid bare.

It is at these times in my life, when I am staring at that piece of bread and cup of juice when the weightiness of my sin hits me.

A steep price was paid for the forgiveness of my sins.

Communion reminds me of the joy of my salvation. Reminds me of the time when the full force of the Gospel hit me. Reminds me I could never do it on my own.

There seems to be a measure of my sin that I carry around with me. But like Scripture says, we can’t expect to hold fire to our chest and not get burned. We can’t walk on coals and not expect our feet to get scorched. Carrying it around will eventually hollow me out when the Spirit of God wants to fill me up.

I don’t know whether it is arrogance, pride, or plain stupidity that makes me think that I can get out of trouble or fix problems I create apart from the Spirit working in my life.  My own will and determination will never trump God’s lovingkindness in making all things new in my life. Certainly I have a responsibility to make wise choices, but I believe God desires I flee from sin rather than carry it around with me. My response to the Spirit of God convicting me of sin should be like the man in Luke who looked to the heavens, beat his breast and cried out, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner.

We will never be without sin in this life. Paul never insinuates that the inheritance of future life requires that we stop sinning altogether. What he demands is a clear, long term, progress in becoming less like the world and more like Christ.

I challenge you today to be reminded of the joy of your salvation. Be reminded of God’s strong hand in your heart and life when you professed faith in Him, and that His hand continues to work in your life, conforming you to the image of Christ. Praise be to God Forever.


  1. Becky says

    Glad to see worship Wednesday back!! Thank you!!! 🙂

  2. Anna K says

    who wrote this? I love it…

  3. Nan says

    Welcome Back! What a great, well-written post!

  4. lora mapp says

    Your God-words have power. Thank you, Casey, I needed this so much today:)

  5. Dee says

    Just such a blessing I needed today..and for the rest of my life. Thank you so much for sharing this Casey. I feel HIS touch through you.

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