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Lots of new kids were admitted in the month of Oct


See the first post about little Doluckson and his papa here.  Jonel, Doluckson’s papa, visited again to see his son.  We were able to help him with the rest of the cost for the casket for his wife.  He is doing better and very thankful to everyone that is praying for him. 


He is 19 months old and weighed 11 pounds 6 ounces when admitted.  He is currently up to 13 pounds!  🙂  He has 4 other siblings at home.  His mom is dead.  He has had one sibling that has died. He is currently on the medika mamba program.


Alma is 8 years old and currently weighs 27 pounds.  This is his 2nd stay at the Rescue Center.  This is his 6th time with kwashiorkor.  He has had 2 siblings that have died. He is currently on the medika mamba program.


First time here                                                                                          First time going home


His mom died of a fever when he was a few weeks old.  He has 4 siblings that are still at home.  His dad needs to work so that he can provide food for the other kids at home.  He needs a place for Jacket to stay until he get a little bit older and then his dad can take care of him. 



Mikelson is 2 years old and weighs 12.5 pounds.  He is an only child.  His dad died when he was still in his mama belly.  They are very, very, very poor.  This is his first time with kwashiorkor.  He is currently on the medika mamba program.



 Odiel is 11 months old and weighs 14 pounds.  This is his first time with mild kwashiorkor.  He has 3 living siblings and 1 that has died. He is currently on the medika mamba program.


 Both of Christelson parent have died.  He has a bad resp infection and does not want to eat anything.  He is 20 months old and weighs 18 pounds.  His caregivers were worried about him and wanted us to keep him for a few months to see if we could help. He is currently on the medika mamba program.



Guynel is 32 pounds ans 7 years old.  He has 6 living siblings and 1 that has died.  His mom believe that he has a sickness that required medication and took him to get lots of test done.  The nurses at the clinic explained that he was malnourished.  She refused to believe this.  When he got worse and could not walk his dad brought him to us and asked us to please help him.  He is very anemic and has kwashiorkor. He is currently on the medika mamba program.



Oris is 15 months old and weighs 12 pounds 10 ounces.  He has 10 living siblings and 5 that have all died of diar.  He is very weak and sick.  He is currently on the medika mamba program.


 This is Viana’s second time at the Rescue Center.  She is 6 years old and weighs 28 pounds.  She has 6 living siblings and 1 that has died. She has kwashiorkor, fever and diar. She is currently on the medika mamba program.



 Berline is 4.5 years old and weighs 23 pounds.  She has 2 living siblings.  This is her first time with kwashiorkor. She is currently on the medika mamba program.


 Misline came to the clinic and was very sick.  We were able to get an IV started but she died a few hours later.  This make 2 children that the parents have lost.


She is 7 months old and wighs 9 pounds.  Her mom died a few months ago.  Dad has 4 other kids at home to take care of.  There has been one other child that died. 


 Oderson is 3 years old and weighs 22 pounds.  He has 3 living siblings and one that has died.  This is his first time with kwashiorkor.  He is currently on the medika mamba program.


 She is 10 months old and weighs 11 pounds.  Her mom has had 3 kids in the last 3 years and is pregnant again.  She left Nagelande on the porch of her aunts house and took off.  They have not been able to find her.  Her aunt brought her to the clinic.  She is currently on the medika mamba program.


She is 5 year years old and weighs 25 pounds.  This is her first time with kwashiorkor.  She has 6 living siblings and 1 that has died. She is currently on the medika mamba program.


He was 19 month old and weighed 16 pounds.  He had diar for 2 months and was vomiting stool.  He died after being with us for less than a day.  He had 5 living siblings and 3 that had died.



 He is 4 years old and weighs 27 pounds.  He has lost one sibling to cholera.  This is his 2nd time with kwashiorkor. He is currently onthe medika mamba program.


 If you are interested in sponsoring a child in the RC please see this post.  We have a few people going together with others and doing partial sponsorship so no amount is to small. Let me know if you have any questions

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